Doula service

Posted: November 05, 2021

Doula logo of a small handprint inside a large handprint

A doula is a birth attendant: a non-medical but trained person of support who can accompany the expectant mum to medical appointments and be a birth partner, if desired. They can explain and offer support to navigate the antenatal and postnatal system as it exists currently in Cambridge. This is a particularly useful service for those whose partners would not expect to be present at the birth of their child, or to be very involved in early postnatal care.

CRRC has worked with Doulas UK since 2016, who, over the past five years, have been able to secure funding to offer their service free of charge to nine of our beneficiary families. Normally, a doula service costs £1000 but we have benefitted from support from Birth As A Medium For Change and the Cambs Doulas Access Fund. We are very grateful for this important service.