Ukraine refugee sponsorship scheme

Posted: March 15, 2022

The UK Government has announced a scheme by which UK residents can sponsor Ukrainian refugees and provide a home. Details are sparse at best at this stage around important details like how sponsors will be vetted (guests will be traumatised women and children, so being a sponsor and host is not just providing accommodation). However, the Government’s website to register as a sponsor is available and, if you’re interested, please do take a look and register.

Homes For Ukraine registration

Update 17 March

Other, non-Governmental, schemes are also being set up. However, be aware that safeguarding may be an issue with these schemes as well. Please ensure that all offers and requests for accommodation and support go through official channels! In particular, don’t make contact over social media - this is not safe for either party.

The first charity to agree to participate in the matching of hosts and refugees according to the Government Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme is Reset Communities, with a web address that looks very similar to the official UK Government one but is slightly different.

Also, you might like to check Refugees At Home, Positive Action in Housing and the Sanctuary Foundation.

Update 28 March

The Vita Network’s Safe Refuge page is another very useful resource for anyone considering hosting a Ukrainian family.

Update 29 March

If you’re wondering about sponsoring a refugee, RESET Training and Support has produced a Homes for Ukraine Sponsor Toolkit (PDF)